Quantum computing represents one of the most transformative technologies on the horizon, with the potential to revolutionize industries from medicine to finance. However, its most immediate and far-reaching impact will likely be in the field of cybersecurity. As quantum processors become more accessible to the public and enterprises, the way we think about encryption, passwords, and digital security will have to change drastically.
In this article, we’ll explore how quantum computing will affect password cracking, penetration testing, and cybersecurity in general. We’ll also assess whether the rise of biometric authentication could help mitigate some of the threats posed by this technological leap and discuss what countermeasures are being developed to protect digital systems from quantum-enabled threats.
Quantum Computing and Password Cracking
One of the most significant threats posed by quantum computers is their ability to crack passwords and encryption methods that are currently considered secure. Classical computers rely on brute force or sophisticated algorithms to crack passwords, a process that can take significant time and computational resources depending on the complexity of the password and the strength of the encryption.
Quantum computers, however, operate on fundamentally different principles, using quantum bits (qubits) that can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This allows them to process information exponentially faster than classical computers. Algorithms like Shor’s algorithm can potentially break RSA encryption—a widely used form of cryptography—by efficiently factoring large prime numbers, something that would take classical computers millions of years.
With quantum processors, passwords that rely on length and complexity could become trivial to break. For instance, modern 128-bit encryption keys, currently seen as robust, could be cracked by a sufficiently advanced quantum computer in mere minutes or hours. This is alarming, as most of the current internet infrastructure, banking systems, and secure communications rely on encryption methods that quantum computers can compromise.

Penetration Testing in a Quantum World
Penetration testing, or “pen testing,” involves simulating cyberattacks to evaluate the security of a system. Currently, pen testers use tools that emulate the methods attackers might use, such as brute-force attacks, social engineering, or vulnerability exploitation. As quantum computing becomes more widespread, pen testing methodologies will have to evolve significantly.
Quantum computing could both help and hinder pen testers. On one hand, pen testers might use quantum machines to analyze systems for vulnerabilities at a pace previously unimagined, offering new ways to protect systems by finding and fixing weak points faster. On the other hand, malicious attackers could use quantum processing to crack encrypted data much faster than defenders can patch vulnerabilities, leading to an increased risk of zero-day exploits and catastrophic breaches.
The window of vulnerability for organisations could shrink dramatically, as systems may be compromised within moments if attackers with quantum capabilities discover exploitable weaknesses. This will require a complete overhaul of how pen testing is conducted, shifting towards quantum-resilient techniques and security protocols.
Will Passwords Become Obsolete?
The rise of biometric authentication (such as fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, and retinal scans) has led many to wonder whether passwords, already seen as outdated and insecure, might become obsolete. Quantum computing could be the nail in the coffin for passwords. As quantum processors crack passwords more easily, reliance on static credentials will be less viable.
Biometric unlocks, however, are not without their own vulnerabilities. While they are generally more secure than passwords (since they rely on something you are rather than something you know), they too can be spoofed or hacked. For example, high-quality fake fingerprints or photos of users’ faces have already been used to bypass certain biometric systems.
One of the advantages of biometrics is that they are resistant to the brute-force attacks quantum computing excels at. Since there is no “key” or “password” to crack, the attack vectors for biometrics are fundamentally different. However, the security of biometric data itself becomes critical—if a hacker gains access to your biometric data, the consequences could be more severe, as fingerprints and faces cannot be “changed” like passwords.
A hybrid approach that combines biometrics with dynamic factors like multi-factor authentication (MFA) or behavioral biometrics may offer the most secure future. By adding layers of authentication, such as combining a fingerprint scan with a time-sensitive code, it becomes significantly harder for quantum-enabled attackers to bypass security systems.

Post-Quantum Cryptography
As the threat of quantum computing looms, the cybersecurity industry is actively researching ways to defend against these new threats. The field of post-quantum cryptography focuses on developing encryption methods that remain secure even in the face of quantum computing’s immense processing power.
Some algorithms being developed rely on mathematical problems that are difficult for both classical and quantum computers to solve. Lattice-based cryptography, for example, is one promising area, as it involves constructing cryptographic schemes around the difficulty of finding points in a multi-dimensional lattice, which is currently believed to be resistant to quantum attacks.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has already begun a process to standardize post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, with the goal of preparing the global infrastructure for the arrival of quantum processors. These new standards, once adopted, will offer protection against quantum attacks and help secure everything from online transactions to national defense systems.
What will the Future Hold?
Quantum computing promises to disrupt the field of cybersecurity in profound ways. Password cracking will become easier, necessitating the abandonment of static credentials in favour of more dynamic and secure methods, such as biometric authentication and post-quantum encryption algorithms. Penetration testing will also need to evolve to stay ahead of attackers armed with quantum processing power.
While biometrics may provide a temporary solution to the vulnerability of passwords, they too must be part of a broader strategy that includes layered security measures. Post-quantum cryptography is on the horizon and represents one of the best hopes for maintaining security in a quantum-enabled world.
Quantum computing presents a significant threat to current cybersecurity frameworks, especially in terms of encryption vulnerabilities. Several news outlets and experts have discussed the imminent risks posed by the advancement of quantum processing, particularly the ability of quantum computers to break traditional encryption methods, such as RSA and ECC, which are foundational to much of today’s secure communication.
One of the primary threats is the “harvest now, decrypt later” approach, where malicious actors gather encrypted data with the intent of decrypting it once quantum computers become powerful enough to break existing encryption standards. This is particularly concerning for industries that handle sensitive or long-term confidential data, such as healthcare, finance, and government operations. Quantum computers will be able to solve complex mathematical problems, such as factoring large numbers, much faster than classical computers, making conventional encryption obsolete.
Governments and organisations are responding with initiatives to develop “post-quantum cryptography” (PQC), which aims to create encryption algorithms resistant to quantum attacks. For example, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is leading efforts to standardise new quantum-resistant algorithms, and the National Security Agency (NSA) has warned about the potential national security risks posed by quantum decryption capabilities. Companies like Google and IBM have also begun to upgrade their cryptographic systems in anticipation of this quantum shift.
However, there are emerging solutions that can counteract these threats, such as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). QKD leverages quantum mechanics to secure data transmissions by ensuring that any interception attempt disrupts the quantum state, making the attack detectable. While this method is promising, its practical implementation is currently limited due to technical challenges, such as the need for specialized infrastructure.
Despite the challenges posed by quantum processing, advancements in biometric security may help reduce reliance on traditional passwords. Biometric methods, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, offer a more secure form of authentication that is harder to compromise. While these methods won’t directly address the encryption challenges posed by quantum computing, they could help protect user access and reduce the effectiveness of attacks targeting passwords.
In summary, the transition to quantum-safe encryption is a pressing concern, and organisations are urged to begin preparing now. The timeline for widespread quantum computing capabilities is uncertain, but experts predict significant impacts within the next decade, making proactive measures essential for securing critical systems.